Embraced  by  Truth . . .
                                    reflections on theology and life

Theology > Church > The Purpose of the Church


From one perspective the purpose of the Church is singular: it is to give glory to God. In another sense, the purpose of the Church is multifaceted: worship, teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, prayers, and mission; and, perhaps, additional concepts could be appropriately added. The combination of these, however, is not exhaustive, but they do project a more comprehensive perspective of the Church’s purpose. When each of these is joined to the others, the unitary purpose of glorifying the Lord of the Church comes into focus, for in Him all things consist.

The Church is the Church of Christ, so its purpose must be defined and understood in terms of Him. The purpose of the Church serves the purpose of Christ, meaning the body functions according to the direction of the Head. And through the Church’s fulfilling its purpose the Head is building His Church.

Consideration will be given to the following topics:

        Worship of God

        Teaching the Truth

        Fellowship with Believers

        Mission: Affirmation of Truth

            Confidence in the Truth

            Proclamation of the Truth

            Dependence on the Truth

            Question of Methodology

            The Question of Evidence

Return to: Church; Next Article: Worship of God

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