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EXEGESIS > Old Testament > Pentateuch > Numbers 


The Hebrews referred to this book as “In the Wilderness,” the meaning of a word in the first verse (bemidbar), but when the book was translated into Greek the word “Numbers” was chosen, an obvious reference to the two numberings of the people in the book, one at Sinai and one at the Jordan (Chs. 1-4, 26).

During the journey of the nation between Mt. Sinai and the Promise Land the people constantly displayed their unbelief, murmuring, and rebellion against God, and, at the same time, constantly experienced His determination to punish them and yet to bring them to the land He had promised. While the people are unfaithful, God remains faithful.

Spiritually speaking, the life of the believer is lived in the wilderness; and in the wilderness even the most sincere believer complains of his state at times. But God is faithful and determined to complete what He has begun in the follower’s life. The believer will be brought to the Promise Land, that is, to fullness in the Person and Work of Christ.

Following is an outline for Numbers:

Journey from Mt. Sinai to Moab – Chs. 1-21

Incident with Balaam – Chs. 22-25

Preparation for Entering Canaan – Chs. 26-36

Passages with Exegesis

        Num. 9:18 - Marching and Camping

        Num. 14:18, 27, 40, 41 - Descriptions of Evil

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