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LIFE > Life in the World > Drinkers of Wine > Paul, Wine, and the Early Church     


Believers in the early Church enjoyed wine individually and used it collectively during their observance of the Lord’s Supper. Paul nowhere condemns its use, only it abuse. He gives particular guidelines for elders, deacons, and the older women. And Paul admonishes Timothy to drink wine, thus hinting at what has come to be widely known, that wine indeed has medicinal qualities. The early Church did not have the abhorrence to wine that characterizes some modern denominations and groups of believers.

The Old Testament Patriarchs and the people of the nation drank wine; Jesus drank wine; and believers in the early Church drank wine. In light of these historical facts, how can believers today condemn its use and characterize those that enjoy the fruit of the vine as something less than completely spiritual? Prohibition is not consistent with the teaching of the Scriptures.

Consideration will be given to the following topics:


        The Lord's Supper


        Elders and Deacons

        Older Women

        Medicinal Guidelines     

For quotes and sayings related to wine, see: Quotes - Wine

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