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LIFE > Life in the World > Drinkers of Wine > The Symbolism of Wine 


In both Testaments wine is used symbolically. God’s blessings and His judgments are depicted in terms of the fruit of the vine. To be blessed by God is to enjoy the wine that He graciously provides; to be judged by God is to drink from His cup of wine that is red and fully mixed. And when God judges He is treading the great winepress of His wrath.

Various aspects of viticulture are used to describe the beauty and appeal of the opposite sex and are even used of love and marriage. God’s salvation is equated with buying wine without money and without price, while the blood of the Lord is likened to the wine used annually at the Passover meal; and Christ identifies Himself as the true vine.

Consideration will be given to the following topics:


        The Nation of Israel

        Beauty, Love, and Marriage

        Christ and His Blood

        God's Salvation

        The Judgment of God

For quotes and sayings related to wine, see: Quotes - Wine

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