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LIFE > Life in the World > Drinkers of Wine > Wine and the Nation of Israel 


Israel’s religious and domestic life cannot be understood nor properly appreciated without knowledge of the important place wine occupied throughout the history of the nation. The land, given to them by God, was a land of vineyards which provided the people with much wine. And the wine was used, not only by the people at home, but also in the sacrifices and during the feasts; even a tithe of the wine was given to the Levites. Provision was made in the Law so the poor and the strangers could have access to the all important grape. The prophetic preaching utilized the nation’s viticulture to illustrate and make plain the message of the prophets.

Wine and the nation were inseparable. Total abstinence was not the Hebrew way of life, for the chosen people of God enjoyed the wine provided by God.

Consideration will be given to the following topics:

        A Blessing from God

        A Land of Wine

        God's Use of Wine

        Sacrifices and Feasts

        The Tithe

        The Poor and the Strangers

        Preaching of the Prophets

        The Nazirites

For quotes and sayings related to wine, see: Quotes - Wine

Return to: Drinkers of Wine; Next Article: Jesus and Wine 

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