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Would that God would open the eyes of men, that they might see the Word of God in all its beauty and perfection, in all its harmony and purity. Then, in humble confession of the sin of judging the Scriptures, men might cry out as they contemplate the Bible's incomparable majesty, "Thy Word is Truth" (E. J. Young, Thy Word is Truth).

If one begins with the presuppositions of unbelief, he will end with unbelief's conclusions. . .  . If one begins with man, he will end with man. All who study the Bible must be influenced by their foundational presuppositions (E. J. Young, Thy Word is Truth).

Holy Scripture, the Word of God, the "normative norm", is the only standard which allows us to distinguish between those insights which agree with it, and those all too human false trails in those systems of thought (Henri Blocher, Evil and the Cross).

God is the primary author of Holy Scripture, with the human writers being the authors of Scripture only insofar as the Spirit mandated, initiated, and provided their impulse to write. Never did the Bible, either in the whole or in the part, exist for a moment apart from its Spirit-mandated and inspired character (Robert Reymond, A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, 1988.

Christians must make this propositional or informational revelation the bedrock of their faith, for it is only as they believe truth originating from God himself that they can have certainty respecting the validity of their religious convictions (Robert Reymond, A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, 1988.

The proof that the Bible is the word of God will accumulate as we make progress in our investigation of religious truth (J. L. Dagg, Manual of Theology).

It is sometimes said that to treat the Bible as the infallible word of God is idolatry. If Christ was an idolater, and if following His teaching is idolatry, the accusation may stand; not, however, otherwise (J. I. Packer, Fundamentalism and the Word of God).

But the evangelical faith is a systematic and integrated whole, built on a single foundation; and it must be understood and assessed as such (J. I. Packer, Fundamentalism and the Word of God).

What the Bible tells us is propositional, factual and true truth, but what is given is in relation to men (Francis Schaeffer, Genesis in Space and Time).

By faith one either accepts God’s revelation in Scripture as the inspired infallible rule of doctrine and conduct, or he rejects it as such; he may believe either the Scriptures or the presuppositions and postulates of human reason (J. A. Schep, The Nature of the Resurrection Body).

Christian doctrine is legitimate, is truly based upon revelation, and the faith which is based upon it is the true knowledge of faith, in so far as this doctrine and this faith agree with the teaching of the Bible (Emil Brunner, The Christian Doctrine of God).

The Bible is, in fact, the inscripturation of God's Word and is a self-determining authority over the church. How it rules is not decided by the readers' taste but by the claims of the text itself (C. Pinnock, The Scripture Principle).

Theology itself is a word, a human response; yet what makes it theology is not its own word or response but the Word which it hears and to which it responds. Theology stands and falls with the Word of God, for the Word of God precedes all theological words by creating, arousing, and challenging them (K. Barth, Evangelical Theology).

The Word of God is the Word that God spoke, speaks, and will speak in the midst of all men (K. Barth, Evangelical Theology).

"What stands there," in the pages of the Bible, is the witness to the Word of God, the Word of God in this testimony of the Bible (K. Barth, Evangelical Theology).

In order to do justice to any verse of Scripture we must take into account all that the Bible has to say upon it (Edward J Young, Genesis 3).

Inasmuch as the New Testament is the Word of God, whatever it asserts is the truth, and when the New Testament speaks of Adam and Eve as historical, the question is settled (Edward J Young, Genesis 3).

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