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Through the most inconceivable intimate personal union of the Logos with our humanity, the particular Jewish male, Jesus of Nazareth, was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the virgin’s womb (M. Horton, The Christian Faith).

The kingdom of the son of man does not evolve out of the succession of world empires. It breaks out of the transcendence into the history of human struggles for power, as something utterly new (Moltmann, The Way of Jesus Christ).

The full spectrum of colors is expected to reveal a compatible blend and not a painful clash (G. Hasel, NT Theology: Basic Issues).

Do not be surprised as the sight of simple people who believe without argument. God makes them love him and hate themselves. He inclines their hearts to believe. We shall never believe with a vigorous and unquestioning faith unless God touches our hearts; and we shall believer as soon as he does so (Pascal, Pensées).

What he [Christ] did not assume he could not redeem (Gregory of Nyssa, Against the Eunomians).

It is as the one who is without sin that Jesus takes upon Himself the guilt of His brothers, and it is under the burden of this guilt that He shows Himself to be without sin (D. Bonhoeffer, Ethics).

No attempt will be made to distinguish Jesus’ conception of Himself from the New Testament writers’ conception of Him. all efforts to make such a distinction (and radical theological scholarship has frequently aimed at this kind of separation) are pointless and doomed to failure from the outset, because Jesus’ words themselves have come to us by way of the New Testament writers (John W. Montgomery, Where is History Going?).

We must, in other words, objectively try to discover the Jesus of the primary historical records, whether we agree with them or not (John W. Montgomery, Where is History Going?).

History can be removed from Christian theology only by the total destruction of theology itself (John W. Montgomery, Where is History Going?).

An examination of the hundreds of references in the four Gospels will show that the four authors regarded the events of the New Testament as the consummation of a redemptive history that began where the Old Testament narrative begins. Jesus Christ of the New Testament is indeed both the Messiah of Israel and the hope of the nations whom the Old Testament prophesies (Robert Duncan Culver, Systematic Theology).

God became man in order that we might become God (Athanasius, On the Incarnation).

By contrast, Jesus did not only teach or expound His message. He was identical with His message (Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other Gods).

The denial of Christ has less to do with facts and more to do with the bent of what a person is prejudiced to conclude (Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other Gods).

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